About LawGuru
How We Started
LawGuru began as most good ideas do - as something else. In 1996, two California attorneys started LawGuru as a way to provide simple legal information on what was then a brand new medium. Originally the scope and focus of LawGuru was very narrow, providing information about their law firm and simple frequently asked questions. However, within a few months, it became clear that they were aiming too low. The promise of the Internet was much more grand. Not only could it be used to convey information, but it could also revolutionize how consumers everywhere got answers to their everyday legal questions. But change has always come slow to the law, an old profession that preferred to find comfort in the hallowed halls of its traditions.
Despite this and other obstacles, the LawGuru founders pushed forward and in 1997, the LawGuru question-answer service was born. This pioneering service allowed users from all over the world to post legal questions on our website and attorneys everywhere to provide free answers.
"My question was answered within two hours, even on a Saturday! The attorney that answered my question was concise and provided a practical solution, even when that solution did not involve retaining him for services."
Now more than fifteen years later, with over a million answers provided by our Attorney Members, it's clear that the decision was the correct one. In that time LawGuru has continuously grown and evolved. Today, LawGuru.com is one of the world's most popular legal websites and continues to offer as a variety of services, products and legal information to the entire Internet community.
Our Team
Our team includes a talented group of individuals ranging from attorneys, who run our company and draft, review and maintain our forms; to software engineers, programmers and designers, who are constantly improving the site; to customer service representatives, dedicated to assisting our customers.
Contacting LawGuru
When you contact LawGuru, you will always speak to a customer service representative located in beautiful Palm Desert, California. While we are not allowed by law to provide legal advice, we are happy to assist you in any other way possible.
Our address LawGuru 74-923 Highway 111, Suite 214 Indian Wells, CA 92210You can reach us online by contacting customer support.
The information provided on LawGuru.com is not legal advice, and no attorney-client or confidential relationship is or should be formed by use of the site.