Legal Question in Entertainment Law in California

Can soundscan disseminate info

Can Soundscan disseminate my company's sales information to another company and/ot the press? Our company is a private corporation, and the dissemination of soundscan information is of proprietary nature given that sales are an intricate component of the company's financial books. Soundscan sells information to record labels regarding the sales of the labels' release, but are they allowed to sell the release information of label to another label without the permission o of the label whose information is being sold?

Asked on 4/04/03, 3:40 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Keith E. Cooper Keith E. Cooper, Esq.

Re: Can soundscan disseminate info

If Soundscan is disseminating your non-public proprietary information without your permission, you might indeed have a claim. You should consult with a competent attorney to discuss the particulars of your situation and determine your options.

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Answered on 4/14/03, 9:07 pm
Jeff Lambert Attorney at Law

Re: Can soundscan disseminate info

It is difficult to answer your question based on the facts and presentation of your question. Generally speaking, financial and sales information of a company may be protected as trade secrets if: (1) it is valuable; (2) it is unknown to the general public; and (3) you and/or your company have taken reasonable steps to protect the confidential nature of the information. However, from your question I am not able to ascertain all the details needed to apply the proper analysis you need for a direct answer. If you would like to discuss the matter further and provide more detailed information, you can contact me at your convenience.

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Answered on 4/04/03, 6:21 pm

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