Legal Question in Consumer Law in Pennsylvania

Friend refuses to allow me to remove my name from vehicle title

A past friend and I are co-owners of a vehicle. We are both listed on the title. I want to be removed from the title, but the friend refuses to sign the title into his name, or solely into my name. Is there anything that I can do to have this done?

Asked on 12/28/04, 4:43 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Mark Johns Mark Johns, Esquire

Re: Friend refuses to allow me to remove my name from vehicle title

A petition to the Court of Common Pleas to remove your name from the title may accomplish the objective you have laid out. As co-owner of the car you have a legal right to use of it and/or 50% of its value. A complaint seeking the value might be worth it if the car is worth more than nominal amount. I offer free consultations.

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Answered on 12/28/04, 5:23 pm

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