in may of 2010, i entered into a rental agreement with williamsbu...
4/04/11, 9:01 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
I am trying to look for options to cancell a timeshare contract i...
4/02/11, 9:45 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
I was chairperson for getting the entertainment in the community ...
4/01/11, 5:02 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
I have a payroll advance loan for $500. I can't pay it, and I tri...
3/26/11, 8:32 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
When my son passed away,he had no job or income for 2010.He was o...
3/18/11, 1:30 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
As a managing partner of an LLC, American Express is suing me per...
3/18/11, 5:45 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
my son (age 32) ,a florida resident,died in the emergency room of...
3/18/11, 5:35 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Realtive incapacitated, no power of atty exists. Is there anyway ...
3/11/11, 6:45 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
My fiancee was in a wreck on his motorcycle over a year ago. It ...
3/01/11, 7:32 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
i am a contractor and i have been been working on one job for the...
2/09/11, 4:02 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
. My wife and I moved from AZ to Florida to retire. 2. We ar...
1/23/11, 1:31 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
I loaned a friend money without a contract. Can I have somebody,...
12/24/10, 4:24 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
I am a Uk citizen living in the Uk. I own a property in Florida w...
12/26/10, 4:35 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
I live in Florida. My husband had approx $320K in medical bills ...
11/29/10, 9:35 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
I loaned a former girlfriend (who I considered still a friend) $2...
11/29/10, 4:47 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law