So, how can this happen: I was online and find that a collection ...
11/21/10, 1:36 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
If a bank has sent me to collections for NSF, can that bank take ...
11/22/10, 2:17 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Hello; i was hit by a drunk driver back on jan 26th 2003 my truck...
11/22/10, 9:11 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
is a no show fee from a dr office legal? can it affect my credit ...
11/23/10, 1:02 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
We are suing a person for Grand Thief and we can not serve him. H...
11/18/10, 1:14 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
I'm looking for an attorney that would answer some questions for...
11/18/10, 4:10 pm
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
A couple of years ago a family member turned his car back to the ...
11/17/10, 8:55 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
someone trying to serve a subpoena to me for request for records....
11/15/10, 11:35 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
good morning, i have two judgements against me. i know the judgem...
11/15/10, 5:54 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Due to the ecomony my husband lost his job - it took him 7 months...
11/15/10, 6:12 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Can a hospital turn you over to a valid collection agency for onl...
11/12/10, 9:42 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
I'm getting sue from creditor for my car repo. I didn't show up f...
11/09/10, 6:58 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
My husband and I are in financial turmoil. We have 2 boats and 1...
11/05/10, 6:03 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
I'm being sued for a automobile repo.and have 15 days to respond ...
11/02/10, 10:30 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law
Due to the economy I am now in a horrible financial position. Pri...
10/15/10, 11:51 am
United States
Credit, Debt and Collections Law