Hi, I signed a lease on January 16 of 2011 in order to rent a bui...
1/28/13, 5:10 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
In a townhome for 6 years now. The first year was in a lease, the...
1/17/13, 11:06 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
Me and my husband and two kids have rented a house in missouri my...
1/12/13, 6:07 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
My Girlfriend and I are living in a rental home. My girlfriend r...
1/09/13, 3:02 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
can a landlord in st. louis, mo impose a no smoking policy, fines...
12/28/12, 3:07 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
My landlord (based in Illinois where I rent a house from him) sen...
12/17/12, 9:56 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
I'm 13 days late on my rent they're charging me $50 late fee, $50...
12/13/12, 6:40 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
I got into a one year lease with my ex boyfriend and both of our ...
12/11/12, 9:53 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
I rent home in Independence, Missouri. My landlord peeps into m...
12/02/12, 5:44 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
I live in an apartment and just moved in last month. Since moving...
11/26/12, 3:37 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
If on a lease agreement with the landlord there was no indication...
11/14/12, 10:08 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
My roommate left after living with me for 3 weeks we are both on ...
10/31/12, 10:34 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
What are the laws on evicting people with children?...
9/21/12, 7:13 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
Can I sue my apartment complex for damages to my vehicle while on...
9/13/12, 7:22 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants