I moved out of an apartment July 31, 2012. The company managing t...
9/10/12, 9:40 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
My son and his family stayed 6 years in my home on my farm while ...
9/09/12, 9:59 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
Noisy Neighbors I'm renting an apartment in a 4-plex o...
8/31/12, 6:53 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
As a landlord in the state of Missouri, St. Louis County, we have...
8/17/12, 3:53 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
I have signed a lease with my apartment complex saying that I wou...
8/07/12, 9:32 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
I am renting a house. I was given a notice that it is in violatio...
8/02/12, 9:04 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
My apartment lease states, ". . . either party may terminate this...
7/30/12, 1:33 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
My landlord(s)) filed a suit against me for rent and possession. ...
7/16/12, 5:39 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
My husband and I lived in a duplex for 7 years. After moving out,...
7/09/12, 10:13 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
In Missouri. I have someone that has been living with me for 8 mo...
6/27/12, 9:03 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
Can a municipilty place a lien on your rental property if a tenta...
6/20/12, 11:48 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
I have a judgement for rent and possession and I am unable to mov...
6/05/12, 5:22 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants
Is there any legal action I can take to make my roommate honor th...
6/03/12, 3:21 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
My 19 year old son is about to sign a lease with three friends. D...
6/01/12, 6:57 am
United States
Landlord & Tenants
in kansas does receiving mail at an address make it your legal re...
5/31/12, 11:17 pm
United States
Landlord & Tenants