Real Estate and Real Property answers by Keenan Post
- My parents left my sister and I some farm ground when they passed... 8/19/10, 2:06 am United States Kansas Real Estate and Real Property
- I have inherited a home from my parents (both deceased). My older... 4/22/10, 3:05 am United States Missouri Real Estate and Real Property
- My father and mother died a year ago and my father deeded the hou... 2/12/10, 5:14 pm United States Missouri Real Estate and Real Property
- I recently bought a house with 38 acres and recently had the land... 2/12/10, 3:48 pm United States Missouri Real Estate and Real Property
- recently grandpa passed away. I have a deed to 40 acres of land,... 2/10/10, 11:00 am United States Missouri Real Estate and Real Property
- I had a verbal agreement to sell land to my nephew he couldn't pa... 2/10/10, 6:41 am United States Kansas Real Estate and Real Property
- if i put my wife's name on my house,if i would die i could i make... 1/11/10, 11:59 am United States Missouri Real Estate and Real Property
- I bought a home about a month ago. Everything has been signed an... 1/06/10, 4:57 pm United States Kansas Real Estate and Real Property
- On August 21st 2009 we sold and bought a house, closing on both t... 1/05/10, 6:46 am United States Kansas Real Estate and Real Property
- what should i do? a person who i thought was my friend took my ti... 12/17/09, 8:10 pm United States Missouri Real Estate and Real Property
- We have used a lane to get to our driveway from the road, approxi... 12/05/09, 8:58 am United States Missouri Real Estate and Real Property
- My new commercial brokerage firm is closing its first transaction... 11/16/09, 11:31 am United States Missouri Real Estate and Real Property
- We refinanced part of our property several years ago and apparent... 11/15/09, 9:28 am United States Missouri Real Estate and Real Property
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