If I have a dmv refusal dui on my record in which in which no lag...
10/27/10, 10:47 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
On October 14th I was pulled over and charged with a DUI. I was n...
10/22/10, 9:52 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
Probablecause for my DUI was because the police claimed my headli...
10/18/10, 10:34 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
I'm just curious how, if at all, pending cases are affected when ...
10/04/10, 8:54 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
Is it legal to put men and women together in a holding cell in c...
10/01/10, 6:00 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
Can u tell me if there are any dui lawyers in orange county cal...
9/29/10, 2:11 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
When I can I use physical force on someone who is intoxicated to ...
9/28/10, 2:24 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
I just got arrested for my second DUI within a year. The first o...
9/26/10, 10:47 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
With prior felony convictions, can I get my first strike, if foun...
9/22/10, 12:52 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
My boyfriend is in probation doing going to school for his dui in...
9/08/10, 11:56 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
How do i get my police report for my DUI? also if i was under 21 ...
8/31/10, 12:40 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
if you get arrested for a dui and you are not a us citizen or res...
8/21/10, 1:52 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
In California DUI what is the E-PAS?Is that the only test taken f...
8/21/10, 1:47 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
Can I take to court, and sue my DUI counsler, for wrongfully dism...
8/20/10, 8:27 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law