lawyer will not respond
My brother just took a plea bargin that w...
11/30/08, 2:47 pm
United States
Constitutional Law
Rights of a 3rd Party in a Parolee Search
Thank you for your resp...
11/25/08, 4:01 pm
United States
Constitutional Law
4th amendment rights
This is a follow up to my previous question ...
11/25/08, 2:30 am
United States
Constitutional Law
4th amendment rights for 3rd parties
My husb & I let our 23 yr ol...
11/24/08, 4:25 am
United States
Constitutional Law
Proof of Service
My wife and I were never served but someone file...
11/03/08, 5:45 pm
United States
Constitutional Law
Separation of Church and State
Can a church advertise with a bann...
9/22/08, 11:34 pm
United States
Constitutional Law
Who do I sue?
I was on a flight from sfo to jfk. I had a coughing...
8/15/08, 7:33 pm
United States
New York
Constitutional Law
A ''Takings'' Appeal
If the Federal District Court denies a stay ...
5/11/08, 5:55 pm
United States
Constitutional Law
plice misconduct
While I was away the police broke into my house...
4/25/08, 4:49 pm
United States
Constitutional Law
rights vs. defamation or obstruction of business
Hi! I recently l...
4/19/08, 11:43 pm
United States
Constitutional Law
carrying cash
Is there a law against carrying large amounts of ca...
12/02/07, 1:36 am
United States
Constitutional Law
California Public Records Act
How do I get videotape from a CHP c...
11/30/07, 1:37 am
United States
Constitutional Law
The Federal veto and its overide
If a bill passes both
houses o...
10/18/07, 2:52 am
United States
District of Columbia
Constitutional Law
Invasion of Privacy
My boyfriend figured out my password and logi...
10/03/07, 12:15 am
United States
Constitutional Law
personal jurisdictation
can a person ''specialty appear'' to set ...
9/11/07, 2:20 am
United States
Constitutional Law