Can a bank right to set off if your car was volunt. repossessed i...
8/03/10, 1:40 pm
United States
Banking Law
I have a question you see my auto loan is with the same bank I do...
7/31/10, 12:01 am
United States
Banking Law
I live in California and I wanted to know about Set Off...Can a b...
7/27/10, 2:35 pm
United States
Banking Law
I have a bank account in the state of California, I have not live...
7/17/10, 6:03 am
United States
Banking Law
Hi- I am a public school art teacher and I live in LA with a...
7/10/10, 7:03 pm
United States
Banking Law
someone deposited money into my bank account can i keep it?...
7/05/10, 10:47 am
United States
Banking Law
I deposited a check into my account funds cleared threw the drawi...
6/30/10, 2:02 pm
United States
Banking Law
I was told that in California a mortgage lender (bank) must be ab...
6/20/10, 10:33 am
United States
Banking Law
My friend got a game server and I agreed to let him use my Debit ...
6/14/10, 6:48 pm
United States
Banking Law
Ok, to start this question off, i understand i was being stupid, ...
6/10/10, 10:51 am
United States
Banking Law
can Bank of America take money out of checking account i have wit...
4/28/10, 11:19 am
United States
Banking Law
If you are a salesman and work on commission and then get arreste...
4/23/10, 12:00 pm
United States
Banking Law