Can I work in childcare with one 5+ year old violent felony charg...
9/07/23, 7:27 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I am being provoked and harrast by an individual who has publicly...
9/08/23, 9:54 am
United States
Criminal Law
After finding out the defendants real name .Do I need to refile m...
8/23/23, 7:42 pm
United States
Criminal Law
A friend says she's studying criminal law in California can she p...
8/22/23, 6:03 pm
United States
Criminal Law
my public defender on a probation violation case ignored my numer...
8/16/23, 4:12 pm
United States
Criminal Law
Is breaking in a school bathroom n breaking the sink consider rob...
8/11/23, 8:12 pm
United States
Criminal Law
Does a district attorney in a state criminal case have the author...
8/07/23, 7:53 pm
United States
Criminal Law
Is it legal to possess or carry large sums of cash (say $20K or $...
7/12/23, 10:11 pm
United States
Criminal Law
My daughter lived in Wisconsin and had many charges and went to j...
6/30/23, 11:28 am
United States
Criminal Law
My 18 year old son was arrested and charged with receiving stolen...
4/24/23, 9:56 pm
United States
Criminal Law
A terrorist threat was made over the phone and left on a recordin...
4/21/23, 11:31 pm
United States
Criminal Law
If my case is over and done with but I am on probation with work ...
4/16/23, 5:03 am
United States
Criminal Law
Ty for your feed back appreciate it...
3/26/23, 2:54 pm
United States
Criminal Law
My gitlfriend and I were in a physical altercation. I did not fi...
3/20/23, 5:10 am
United States
Criminal Law
Trying to find form for extension of time in turning oneself in t...
3/11/23, 1:53 pm
United States
Criminal Law