My sister borrowed my car and called pulled over and they found a...
2/12/23, 9:38 am
United States
Criminal Law
House was raided for suspected drugs and everyone in house was al...
2/07/23, 1:20 am
United States
Criminal Law
Should our lawyer be doing something?! A friend is de...
2/05/23, 8:46 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I’m mentioned throughout the DA’s Points and Authorities file...
12/16/19, 2:04 pm
United States
Criminal Law
Hes in stanislaus county. Charges are vc2800.2(a) pc529(a)(3) and...
12/10/19, 1:02 am
United States
Criminal Law
my husband was accused of harassment at work and was told to have...
11/26/19, 11:12 am
United States
Criminal Law
I was arrested on a citizens arrest for battery and I also press ...
11/23/19, 1:50 am
United States
Criminal Law
So it's kinda a long story..but to sum it all up I like wit...
11/19/19, 9:27 pm
United States
Criminal Law
I have a parent that is going to fill against me for criminal mis...
11/19/19, 9:42 am
United States
Criminal Law
I talked to an individual on a online dating site who identified ...
11/18/19, 12:42 pm
United States
Criminal Law
My wife's son managed to steal my house by lying to me. If it te...
11/17/19, 8:08 pm
United States
Criminal Law
Hi, About 6 months ago I had met someone online and started a rel...
11/16/19, 11:52 am
United States
Criminal Law
I think my email account was used to create and use a free callin...
11/16/19, 2:49 am
United States
Criminal Law
What crime is it to be shot through the leg from far away after I...
11/06/19, 3:25 pm
United States
Criminal Law
If there were 3 people living in a house one was a ex felon and w...
10/31/19, 9:37 am
United States
Criminal Law