My fiance is not a citizen of us he's Cuban and got his second du...
1/03/13, 7:47 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
Can I file a motion to reopen a felony DUI case that I accepted t...
1/03/13, 2:48 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
I was stopped and the officer said my license was suspended and I...
12/30/12, 9:04 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
I am in the process of trying to terminate my probation early in ...
12/20/12, 9:39 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
what if you tell the officer you haven't been drinking but blow u...
12/11/12, 6:12 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
Hi my boyfriend was under the influences of alcohol an hit a car ...
12/09/12, 10:25 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
i am a CDL holder , got pull over in passenger car for suspicion ...
12/05/12, 5:29 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
3rd DUI...first DUI was in 1998 & 2nd in 2001. 3rd was 11/2012. W...
12/03/12, 7:09 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
i got an DUI, but i was underage, blow at 0.04. I was wondering i...
11/28/12, 3:18 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
Hi I went to court in Los Angeles on Apr. 2nd 2012 for a DUI-firs...
11/27/12, 5:39 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
My son got an infraction ticket for 1 ounce of marijuana. H...
11/20/12, 11:58 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
I am still trying to understand why when the change DUI from 7 ye...
10/28/12, 9:04 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
AShould I file a determination of factual innocence in a DUI case...
10/22/12, 1:28 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
Someone I know if facing a lot of charged stemming from a DUI bus...
10/08/12, 7:39 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
If you bail someone out of jail and you do not want to be held re...
10/02/12, 1:37 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law