I was arrested n a California national park for a DUI and spent a...
9/25/12, 1:32 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
what if you had gotten a d.u.i the year before and then you get a...
9/11/12, 10:34 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
does the 7 year law or 10 year law apply to my first dui in 2003?...
9/10/12, 6:26 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
I have ME/CFS and my doctors have me on pain mgt regiment of 15mg...
9/08/12, 9:05 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
CA DUI arrest reaching statute of limitations, dmv hearing alread...
9/06/12, 1:49 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
My son was arested in Ca for a DUI with his BAC at .08% right at ...
8/21/12, 11:50 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
What can I do if California is withholding my license, and it is ...
8/21/12, 8:50 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
i got and mip INFRACTION? what should i expect in court? whATS th...
8/19/12, 8:56 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
can i beat my dui of 0.13 or reduce my fines? and is there a way ...
8/09/12, 12:45 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
Hi, I first want to make a few points. I'm...
8/08/12, 11:44 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
Police gave me a ticket for having an open container in my poseti...
7/12/12, 10:22 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
if i had a 2 DUI's 14 years ago and got one today what type of se...
7/12/12, 8:55 am
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
What are the consequences for an illegal immigrant recieving a du...
7/08/12, 2:19 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
Can a passenger in a vehicle who has a prevoius DUI be charged wi...
6/29/12, 12:24 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law
Can someone please tell me what to expect and if the evidence I g...
6/17/12, 6:00 pm
United States
Drunk Driving & DUI Law