Legal Question in Disability Law in California

wheelchair access to 2nd-floor apartment

A good friend was just diagnosed with ALS. She has lived in a 2nd-floor walk-up in Los Angeles for 30 years. Is she entitled to anything from the landlord? Permission to install an outdoor elevator/lift? Help with acquisition?

Asked on 7/05/07, 7:05 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: wheelchair access to 2nd-floor apartment

They must make 'reasonable accommodation', but that doesn't mean rebuilding their property or major contstruction and alterations, especially if the property is old enough to not even covered by the ADA. They 'might' be required to allow her to install equipment if it wouldn't substantially damage the property/value. This is always a 'grey' area determined case by case. Have her contact me if interested in getting legal help.

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Answered on 7/05/07, 8:27 pm

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