Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in California

response please

A female officer in my city continues to harrass me everytime she sees me--Ill be doing something like walking to the store and she will pull me over search me and detain me--the other day my boyfriend and i were pushing his truck about 40 feet to another location because his fuel pump went out--She pulled us over searched us without our consent--searched his truck after we said they could not and then again detained us for 2 hours--This is all after I was pulled over while riding my bike home from my sons football practice and the same officer very aggressily searched me and detained me for an hour--I called the police when I got home and she was suspended from duty and I received a letter of apolgy--then she went on maternaty leave and shes back harrassing me again--she pulled me over (I was acually already parked)and search me and my car before even asking me for my drivers license!!! she detained me again for several hours and then like always let me go--Im fed up with this--Ive lived in the same city for over 40 years and Ive never had any criminal record period.

Asked on 10/20/07, 1:56 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Robert F. Cohen Law Office of Robert F. Cohen

Re: response please

You might file a written complaint with the police chief providing explicit details, including dates and times. You might also immediately want to file a government tort claim, which is a precursor to filing a lawsuit.

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Answered on 10/20/07, 2:19 pm
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: response please

You've got a potential claim and suit for 'harassment'. If the officer was suspended for this once, then you've got credible basis for your claim. Feel free to contact me for help and representation in making your required government Tort Claim and following up with suit if appropriate. There are time limits, don't delay.

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Answered on 10/20/07, 4:27 pm

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