Legal Question in Constitutional Law in California

If a parolee in the state of CALIFORNIA is complying with everything that his Parole agent ask him to, has NO dirty urine test, goes to update his parole agent once a week in person and has a little part time job where he maybe gets 16hrs a week, but can he be in VIOLATION of his PAROLE because he is HOMELESS? And does not have a permanent address? And since when is being homeless against the law?

Asked on 4/27/11, 9:07 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Isi Mataele 'Isi Mataele Attorney at Law

They set conditions for parole. Parole is a privilege not a right They need to meet their conditions of their parole and if they are required to find a place to live then yes it would be a violation otherwise it does not violate parole unless you are required to have an address.

Usually they have halfway homes and homeless shelters for them.

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Answered on 4/28/11, 10:10 pm

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