Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

Assulted in the workplace

The following incident happened at work. I have a co-worker who punched me in the shoulder giving me a contusion. When he hit me it was a sneak attack, I didn't see it coming. I am a female and he (the one who hit me) is approx 20 years younger then me. A month previously he had hit another co-worker and was told not to hit again. Do I have something worth pursuing legally?

Asked on 3/17/08, 11:53 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Ryan P. McClure The Law Offices of Ryan P. McClure

Re: Assulted in the workplace

Go directly to your HR dept and file a complaint.

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Answered on 3/22/08, 2:37 am
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: Assulted in the workplace

You can file criminal charges. You can file a company complaint. You can file civil suit on principle, but the case has rather limited value unless you were actually injured; collectability is probably not an issue with such low case value.

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Answered on 3/17/08, 2:37 pm

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