Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

Burglery charges

I know someone who removed items from a place of work, hid them in the trash outside and came back to retrieve them later and was caught. The items totaled about $500. Can you tell me what this person could be facing. 1st offense.

Asked on 1/20/07, 4:26 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Amanda Benedict Klinedinst, PC

Re: Burglery charges

Your friend can be facing at least two felony charges - commercial burglary and grand theft. Both offenses carry the potential for prison time.

Your friend should seek the assistance of an experienced criminal trial attorney to attempt to negotiate charges down to a lessor related offense. Because this is your friend's first offense, the District Attorney may be willing to reduce the charges down from a felony to a misdemeanor.

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Answered on 1/20/07, 5:01 pm
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: Burglery charges

Up to and including charges of burglary and grand theft, depending upon the claimed value and other facts. Get an attorney to help unless you like jail. Hopefully he hasn't confessed, while trying to be 'cooperative'. Feel free to have him contact me if this is in SoCal courts.

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Answered on 1/22/07, 1:27 pm
Robert Miller Robert L. Miller & Associates, A Law Corporation

Re: Burglery charges

Is the actual filed charge burglary? If so, if a felony, he or she could be facing up to three years state prison, which is the maximum. As a misdemeanor, other possible charges all carry a one year maximum.

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Answered on 1/22/07, 2:48 pm

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