Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

Child Abuse allegations

My boyfriend recieved a phone call a month ago from a long time friend, accusing him of inappropriate touching. Upon many different types of checking we found that she was accusing him of having her sit on his lap. She mentioned that she thought he had an erection at the time. We found later that this phone call was being monitored by the police. This person was like a little sister to my boyfriend and he was appaled at the allegations. He was called by the investigators for an interview and was told that the report would be sent to the DA and if charges would be filed he would be informed. No other things were mentioned besides this. We were wondering if the possibility of charges being filled were high and if we should secure an attorney.

Asked on 1/12/03, 1:48 am

4 Answers from Attorneys

Roland Perez Law Offices of Perez & Perez

Re: Child Abuse allegations

1. You should consider hiring an attorney. Talk to several attorneys and find one that you like.

2. Do not talk to the police.

I will be glad to talk to you over the phone or in my office. Give me a call 1-800-400-0057,

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Answered on 1/18/03, 10:34 am
David Diamond Diamond & Associates

Re: Child Abuse allegations

It is hard to give you the chances of charges being filed, but it would be our job to try to prevent that from happening. GIVE US A CALL IF THAT IS YOUR GOAL. LARRY WOLF

310 277 1707

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Answered on 1/12/03, 6:36 pm
Lyle Johnson Bedi and Johnson Attorneys at Law

Re: Child Abuse allegations

The first rule is that anyone that is a suspect should not talk with the police or any other investigator. The police are not giving you a chance to set the record straight. Their purpose is to build a case against the suspect. Everything the suspect says will be twisted and use against him.

If arrested by the police his only statement should my name and I want to speak to an attorney. Any promise to the effect that if you tell us what happened you can go home are false.

If you cannot afford to hire an attorney then a public defender will be appointed to represent him.

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Answered on 1/15/03, 2:22 am
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: Child Abuse allegations

You should have immediately hired counsel if you thought there was ANY chance of charges. The best defense is a strong offense, meaning putting the DA and police on notice that you have counsel and will fight.

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Answered on 1/13/03, 6:06 pm

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