Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

Court Case

The DA is trying to convict me of a crime that someone else has already been convicted of and found guilty of, is there anyway I can fix this error or some kind of plea that I can make so that they are aware of there mistake? Is there a certain term or way of stating this in court if so please tell me. Thank you for your time.

Asked on 2/07/07, 5:06 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Daniel J. Mangan III JuryTrialJustice

Re: Court Case

Theoretically, that someone has been convicted does not in and of itself mean that no one else is also a principal in the crime,,,,depends on the crime and the theory of guilt. On the other hand, it could also be a complete defense if the offense involves one and only one possible perpetrator. From your question I cannot tell which could be the case for you?


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Answered on 2/07/07, 11:14 pm
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: Court Case

"Way of stating it?" Sure, by raising a proper defense to the charges, using the facts and evidence as well as possible. If you think you can stand up and say a couple magic words and incantations and make this go away, you are mistaken. It appears you need good legal counsel. Feel free to contact me if you decide to get serious, if this is in SoCal courts.

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Answered on 2/07/07, 1:14 pm

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