Legal Question in Criminal Law in California
Can detectives from another county question you out of their jurisdiction?
5 Answers from Attorneys
Yes. Another county or another state - doesn't matter. What does matter would be the Miranda rules and whether or not your statement was legally admissible.
Yes. Detectives can question you. If the jurisdiction you are in is overseas. There may be extradition issues. ............ David Wallin.
Yes, anywhere in the country.
More to the point:
When threatened, arrested or charged with any crime, �what can you do�? Hire an attorney, unless you know how to effectively represent yourself in court against a professional prosecutor intending to convict. No amount of free 'tips and hints' from here or anywhere else are going to effectively help you in your defense, other than the advice [if not already too late] to exercise the 5th Amendment RIGHT to SHUT UP and do NOT talk to police or ANYONE about the details of the case except through an attorney. That includes on this or any other web site or public forum. Most police and prosecutors will happily tell you that 95% of people convict themselves by trying to be 'helpful and cooperative', either during initial contact, questioning, interview or interrogation.
If serious about hiring counsel to help in this, and if this is in SoCal courts, feel free to contact me.
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