Legal Question in Criminal Law in California


What dose or how do I do (get granted a full and unconditional pardon for a felony)? My felony was dropped to a miss but it still shows up that it was a felon for state jobs and it was for a 487. Grand theft, in CA is their a way to wipe it out? And it was a felony non strike and non violent

then after my probation it was dropped to a misdemeanor. Sorry about that....

Asked on 7/24/07, 10:35 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: dismisal

A governor's pardon is a long shot, requiring substantial legal and factual grounds, and expense. Alternatively, you could try to get it expunged, which is more realistic to expect and a lot cheaper to try. Feel free to contact me if you are serious about pursuing it.

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Answered on 7/24/07, 1:47 pm

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