Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

Domestic Violenc

I was arrested for domestic violence (mistermeaner) two nights ago. The neighbors called the police and said that through the window they saw me put my hands around her throat and hold her down. Both my girlfriend and I said that this was not true. They arrested me,saying that they don't believe us and that they will be going off of what the witnesses are saying. I would like to plead not guilty but I have been advised to plead guilty due to the fact that I have no previous records, not even a traffic violation. What do you think?

Asked on 7/24/07, 1:44 am

4 Answers from Attorneys

Edward Hoffman Law Offices of Edward A. Hoffman

Re: Domestic Violenc

Whoever advised you to plead guilty just because you don't have a record had no idea what he was doing. Get a lawyer, plead not guilty, and fight this.

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Answered on 7/24/07, 3:25 pm
Sara Azari Law Office of Sara Azari

Re: Domestic Violenc

As an aggressive female trial lawyer, I routinely successfully handle domestic violence cases which I often end up having dismissed or acquitted after trial. I handle both misdemeanors and felonies. Your case sounds like a routine case. YOU ABSOLUTELY SHOULD NOT PLEAD GUILTY! You will end up with a record and very heavy mandatory statutory sentencing terms. If you'd like to meet for a free consultation, I'd be happy to meet with you this week so that you can get to know my style of advocacy and I can provide you with more information about these cases and how an attorney can best defend them. Just so you know, if you are represented by private counsel, you do not need to appear in court because your case is a midemeanor. If you're represented by a public defender, you may have to appear in court on every court date.

You can email me at [email protected] to schedule a consultation in my office.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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Answered on 7/24/07, 2:11 am
Anne Marie Healy Law Offices of Anne Marie Healy

Re: Domestic Violenc

Never plead guilty if you are not guilty. The ramifications are significant. There are ways of handling this. I have handled many domestic violence matters. I would not let you plead guilty. Letting a client plead guilty is a matter of convenience for the attorney. Get a referral to an attorney from a reputable source (or call me! :)). Do not let fear trick you into pleading guilty if you are not guilty.

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Answered on 7/24/07, 3:28 am
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: Domestic Violenc

Remain silent, plead not guilty, and GET an attorney. DV convictions carry serious consequences for the rest of your life. Feel free to contact me if you want to actually defend and fight this.

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Answered on 7/24/07, 1:20 pm

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