Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

double charges

I am facing 2 counts ofattempt murder, and 2 counts of assault with a deadly weapon for 1 case. Is that legal? Can 1 set of charges be dropped.

Asked on 2/16/09, 6:07 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Michael Stone Law Offices of Michael B. Stone Toll Free 1-855-USE-MIKE

Re: double charges

I assume you already know the answer: You are in serious peril of going to prison for a long time, and prudent people in your position need to hire a good criminal defense lawyer. Please feel free to email or call me directly.

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Answered on 2/16/09, 6:13 pm
Edward Hoffman Law Offices of Edward A. Hoffman

Re: double charges

What you describe is legal. What matters is whether the facts support the charges.

I don't know what you supposedly did, but if the D.A. alleges that you tried to kill two people and/or that you tried twice to kill one person, then the two attempted murder charges are legitimate. The same logic applies to the ADW charges.

There is no rule that says multiple charges have to be brought in separate cases. If the alleged acts are factually related, then charging them in one case was perfectly legal.

If you don't already have a lawyer, get one. If you do, direct your future questions to her and not to the internet. Unlike the rest of us, your lawyer knows a thing or two about your case. She will be able to give you more specific answers.

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Answered on 2/16/09, 6:16 pm
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: double charges

Legal? Sure.

Dropped? Sure, if your attorney can convince the DA and the court there is no basis for the charges.

You don't have an attorney? I hope you like prison food and social life.

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Answered on 2/16/09, 6:51 pm

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