Legal Question in Criminal Law in California
drug charges
what is the difference in being charged with violation of H&S code 11379(a) and H&S code 11352; aren't they both for transportation of a controlled substance (narcotic)?
6 Answers from Attorneys
Re: drug charges
Different facts, different drugs, different opinion of prosecutors. If you're serious about getting counsel to help defend you, feel free to contact me.
Re: drug charges
Different facts, different drugs, different opinion of prosecutors. If you're serious about getting counsel to help defend you, feel free to contact me.
Re: drug charges
Yes, but it depends on the substance. Meth (and others)is 11379. Cocaine & heroin (and others) are 11352.
The punishment is greater for 11352.
Re: drug charges
Usually the difference is the type of drug found by law enforcement. Generally the bulk of 11379 cases have to do with meth while the 11352 cases have to do with cocaine. You may visit my website at Thank you...David Wallin
Re: drug charges
Different facts, different drugs, different opinion of prosecutors. If you're serious about getting counsel to help defend you, feel free to contact me.
Re: drug charges
Different facts, different drugs, different opinion of prosecutors. If you're serious about getting counsel to help defend you, feel free to contact me.
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