Legal Question in Criminal Law in California


i was pulled over and was given a DUI with a .09 and the califonia limit is .08. this is my 1st offence. is there anything i can do to convince the judge to drop my charges? any advise would be greatly appriciated.

Asked on 9/24/07, 9:41 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: dui

No. You're joking, right? In addition to being an enforcement policy, DUI's generate revenue for the court and system. They take that revenue seriously.

Now, if you want to handle it properly, get an experienced attorney to represent you. IF there are any circumstances or facts that will allow an actual legal defense, then he might be able to negotiate it down somehow.

Feel free to contact me if serious.

BTW: you have only limited time to file your DMV appeal to avoid automatic loss of license for a year. You're welcome.

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Answered on 9/25/07, 12:35 pm
Edward Hoffman Law Offices of Edward A. Hoffman

Re: dui

The judge can't just drop the charges. The prosecutor can, but probably won't -- and talking to him is more likely to hurt your case than to help it. You should get a lawyer to defend you. If you can't afford to hire one, get a public defender.

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Answered on 9/24/07, 9:46 pm

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