Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

Felon in posession of firearms

My father in law lives with me and is a convicted felon. Before he was convicted he placed all of his guns at his brothers home (he acquired all of the firearms before there was a paper trail attached to each one). He now has to take them back because his nephew is getting out of jail and is moving back in with my father in laws brother. Now he wants to keep his ''collection'' of 15 guns in my garage. What are the laws regarding my role as a facilitator to him breaking the law and taking possesion of the guns and storing them for him under my roof? Are there any legal ramifications for me or my spouse for our part in knowingly helping my father in law?

Asked on 2/07/07, 9:49 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Daniel J. Mangan III JuryTrialJustice

Re: Felon in posession of firearms

Best scenario is to sell the guns, alternatively, find a different relative to take ownership. As described, the "plan" is flawed to say the least. Keep the guns off your property.


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Answered on 2/07/07, 11:17 pm
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: Felon in posession of firearms

He is not allowed to possess them in any manner. If he even goes near a firearm or ammunition he commits federal and state felonies carrying mandatory prison time. Having any guns anywhere in your residence would be a high risk for him. The risk to you would be a charge of illegal transfer, a violation state and federal laws. The best solution is for you or the brother to sell the firearms, which must be done through a licensed gun dealer, and give the money to the father. Feel free to contact me privately for help in this, you need it.

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Answered on 2/07/07, 1:28 pm

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