Legal Question in Criminal Law in California


I think that I may have been an unwitting perpetrator of credit card fraud. I answered an online job application which involved receiving goods ordered on amazon and other sites, checking them and then forwarding them on to another destination for which I was paid $20 per item paid through Western Union. I have just received a call from Paypal advising me to stop and to submit myself to the authorities to protect myself.

Upon contacting Paypal they have no record of me being contacted and my account shows no record of any activity.

The website of the company who provided me with the job has disappeared.

I think that I may being set up to be a fall guy.

I would be grateful for your opinion and would like to know what I should do next.

Thank you.

Asked on 12/30/08, 4:03 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Michael Stone Law Offices of Michael B. Stone Toll Free 1-855-USE-MIKE

Re: Fraud

Do not contact the authorities or tell them about the poor judgment you used in agreeing to receive merchandise paid for with stolen credit cards. (Some other sap is probably reselling the merchandise on eBay right now.) When the police contact you, say nothing at all, except you want a lawyer. Now go to your Mom and Dad, explain how you were a scam participant and you need to borrow $5000 for a lawyer. Hopefully you will not need another $5000 for a bail bond.

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Answered on 12/30/08, 4:35 pm
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: Fraud

If and when anyone again tries to discuss this situation with you, refer them to your attorney. Learn to exercise your 5th Amendment right to SHUT UP before convicting yourself with statements made while trying to be 'helpful'.

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Answered on 12/30/08, 5:44 pm

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