Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

i installed a keylogger on my boyfriend's computer without his knowledge by sending him a file which he installed. i found him to be cheating on me and i uninstalled the keylogger and we broke up. he asked if i put one on his pc and i denied doing so only now he says he has proof which i don't know is true, but he told me to get a lawyer because he is pressing charges against me. is what i did illegal when i wanted to marry this man and could have ruined my future of being with a cheater? the keylogger was legal for me to buy and i did not look to see if it was legal because all the keylogging sites say catch a cheater. i'm scared of going through this. after all he's put me through and he was the one cheating now i may be the one in trouble. i live in california and he lives in south carolina. please help

Asked on 12/11/09, 9:12 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Joe Dane Law Office of Joe Dane

First and foremost, do NOT discuss this with anyone except an attorney in a confidential setting. You have interesting issues regarding jurisdictional issues, etc.

My first reaction is that he's all talk and lashing out after being caught and the relationship unraveling, but . . . you never know.

I assume your relationship is over with this guy and there's no further need for communication with him, correct? If so, maybe this will all blow over, rather than have him face the exposure of his infidelity.

If you want to discuss it further, I'm in Orange. Let me know if you want to come in to my office and discuss things.

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Answered on 12/16/09, 9:29 pm
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Yes, wiretapping is illegal under state and federal law. That's what you did. However, he has to convince a prosecutor to file against you, and that may be a lot harder than he thinks. IF you are contacted by authorities in any way, exercise your 5th Amendment rights to SHUT UP, and say nothing to anyone. Then feel free to contact me if you are serious about getting legal defense at that time.

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Answered on 12/17/09, 12:01 am

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