Legal Question in Criminal Law in California
If a person calls you from a landline or phone (with a police officer listening to conversation on the same landline but different phone in that home ). Calling another person at home to thier landline or phone,having no knowledge of the police officer listening,and the person calling did not tell about police officer listening,and the police officer did not identifiy himself at the begining of phone call or conversation. You say "i am going to kill you" or "I am going to put a bullet in your head" during the phone call or conversation. ? After you hang up the phone and end the conversation in the future can that person bring any criminal charge's against you in a court of law.
2 Answers from Attorneys
No, but the district attorney can. Usually the charge is making terrorist threats, a felony.
If you make threats on a phone or other medium of communication, you can be charged with a range of felonies, including terrorist threats. The police were called in specifically to record the threats to enable prosecution of a crime. Hire an attorney immediately, you're going to need one. If the court is in SoCal, LA/OC area, feel free to contact me.
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