Legal Question in Criminal Law in California
can the police come into my house, questioning us regarding a call my neighbor has made accusing us poisening their trees....telling us we could put you in the back of the police car but instead we're being nice about it and questioning you here and we can also seperate you and question you individually (me, my husband, my son) but we are not.....what proof they have, my neighbor is harrasing us and lying!!what can we do?
3 Answers from Attorneys
You do not have to let the police into your house, and you do not have to answer any questions. Practice with your husband what you will say to the police from now on. "I have nothing to say to you without an attorney present." "You do not have my permission to search."
To what Mr. Stone stated, I would add "Do you have a warrant?"
Can they? Of course. Can you refuse a search and exercise your 5th Amendment right to SHUT UP and do not talk to anyone except your attorney about your case? Of course. If you are arrested or charged with a crime, hire an attorney if you can afford to, or apply for the Public Defender if you can't. No amount of free 'tips and hints' from here or anywhere else are going to help you in your defense. If you are in SoCal, and are serious about hiring counsel, feel free to contact me.
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