Legal Question in Criminal Law in California
post baill amount is refundable for the inmate, ,After case finished,or dismist,or case got d.a. rejection,the defent gets back his bail money from the bail bond offices who gothireto bail out much precentage can hold from the amount of money got paid from the beginning to pay the bail so defent bail,pls can u tell me if tht 2000 dollrs bail amoubt,if case d.a.rejection applies, whts the next step,or wht its gina happen. pls i would love to be concider for an answer from anyone .thnk you kindly
chris Paleos 2'
1 Answer from Attorneys
If you post the entire cash bail directly with the court, you get it all back at the end of the case: it will take some weeks to receive it from the county treasurer's office. Make sure they have the correct address.
If you paid a bail bondsman his normal 10% of bail amount to get you out of jail, you do NOT get that back: it is his fee.
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