Legal Question in Criminal Law in California

Statue of limation on fraud

I belive that when my wife passed away that her relative transfered ownership of her property to himself through fraudlent means. I took him at his word that she had signed ownership over to him before her death.The only document i have ever seen had a signature that was not hers. Do I have a right to view documents pretaining to this transfer and do I have a right to receive a settalement from the title insurance company,notary or morgage company?The person who did this has defaulted on the loan's he tookout on the property as it was free from any loans before this. What is the statue of limation on this case?

Thank You.

Asked on 11/21/03, 9:49 am

4 Answers from Attorneys

Robert Miller Robert L. Miller & Associates, A Law Corporation

Re: Statue of limation on fraud

Thank you for your postiD

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Answered on 11/21/03, 11:43 am
H.M. Torrey The Law Offices of H.M. Torrey

Re: Statue of limation on fraud

your facts are too generalized in your posting to adequately answer your inquiries. if you would like a free phone consultation on this matter, email us directly with your contact information today.

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Answered on 11/21/03, 12:21 pm
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: Statue of limation on fraud

Of course, there are always Statutes of Limitations on every claim. Torts usually have a 1-year statute, and fraud generally has a 3-year statute, which MIGHT run from your discovery of the improper conduct. If you have waited 'years' it is likely too late. If interested, and if you think you are timely, contact me to discuss the facts and possible remedies.

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Answered on 11/21/03, 2:33 pm

Re: Statue of limation on fraud

This should be referred to the D.A.'s office. The statute for crimes is longer than civil actions and restituion would return the property ownership back to its proper course.

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Answered on 11/21/03, 6:39 pm

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