Legal Question in Employment Law in California

Can this constitute as ''Good Cause'' to quit and still get unemployment?

My Dear Husband's boss has been making work conditions intollerable, trying to force quit. Can DH quit and get unemployment?

Does this qualify as ''good cause'':

- Boss berates my DH, saying derogetory names, infront of other employees for things that are the Boss's doing, literally, he will ask my DH for a report and them yell at him that it is the wrong thing despite the fact that my DH has the email with his request.

- Boss keeps a hostile dog in the office, it constantly barks at my DH and deficates on the office floor, the boss will not clean it up and let it sit there until it is dried.

- Boss will throw office furniture when he is upset and trash the office, so bad that the downstair's neighbor ran in to help thinking there was a fist fight.

-- Last Feb my DH had to go on antidepressants due to the toll Boss has been taking on him mentally. He is literally sick and cannot eat at times because of the stress Boss inflicts.

-- Boss forced my DH on 2 wks w/o pay saying he was a bad employee, the co. partner told DH it was actually due to low money and Boss could'nt make payroll. After a week back, my DH is forced off for another week w/o pay.

--EDD has found Boss guilty 2x in past for blocking benefits w/o merit.

Asked on 3/10/09, 1:15 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: Can this constitute as ''Good Cause'' to quit and still get unemployment?

If he quits, give the company a notice in writing, saying all those reasons. Then, if the company contests the EDD benefits, he can appeal and show the judge the reasons.

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Answered on 3/10/09, 7:21 pm

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