Legal Question in Employment Law in California
my employer has suspended two employees upon review of case with possible termination for accused urinating in custumers garbage enclosure
3 Answers from Attorneys
What would you do if you suspected your employees were urinating a customer's garbage enclosure?
Do you have a question to go with that disgusting revelation?
That is how investigation, discipline and termination are handled for 'at will' employees when the company is being fair. They don't have to be fair. Unless an employee is civil service, in a union, or has a written employment contract, they are an 'at will' employee that can be disciplined or terminated any time for any reason, with or without �cause�, explanation or notice. Any employee's goal should be to keep their supervisors happy and make them look good to the company, and make the company money. That�s how the company pays employee wages. If you don't, then don't be surprised to be replaced.