Legal Question in Employment Law in California

Employer withheld pay

I have voluntarily resigned from a very small company and am owed reimbursements, wages and commissions. I have repeatedly made requests for the pay and she has ignored me. She withheld my pay as an extortion attempt to take over my vendor contacts for REOs and it is was made in an email from her. The contacts were turned over within 48 hours. I gave her adequate notice, patience and eventually warned her of where this matter would lead to if ignored. She has contacted clients and lied about me, harassed me by phone, mail and email. She shared private info with her employees about me. She requested I help after my resignation in an email and then accused me of intruding on her business. She has accused me of selling RE w/no license and I have not. I was also required to meet performance standards others were not. I was told to ''get a babysitter for my kids, God knows you make enough''. She has used me to hide several financial instances from her husband. I need help in where to go with this. I am not in a good financial state with this issue and had to leave new employment to address her issues because of the constant harassment. I really need advice on this issue.

Asked on 3/13/09, 5:04 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: Employer withheld pay

Advice? Either resolve it privately or sue for what is owed you. Use small claims court for under $7500.

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Answered on 3/16/09, 3:26 pm

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