Legal Question in Employment Law in California

Employment Law-Discrimination and Harrassment

In a nutshell: I'm interested in taking legal actions towards my company for racial discrimination and establish that the latest promotion that took place in my department was due to an

inappropriate relationship between that individual and his supervisor.

The ''inappropriate behavior'' is that these individuals were good friends prior, to the point that she relayed to me staying in his room drinking 'til the wee hours during a conference on year.

I have been working on a timeline of incidents that establish precedence for these claims and can manage to get about seven witness testimonies to corroborate the accusations of discrimination as well. Additionally, I have some documents that will back up and support some of this. I just don't know if what I have is enough to prove it. What type of evidence is necessary?

Asked on 6/05/09, 6:57 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: Employment Law-Discrimination and Harrassment

Unless you can prove you are the victim of specific race discrimination, or that you're suffering from a sexually hostile environment as a female because of the boss's girlfriend harassing you or depriving you of a promotion or duties you earned, you haven't stated a valid case. You don't get to complain just because he's got a girlfriend that got a job you were passed over for, unless there is clear racial motive 'against' you. Romance trumps race claims in these circumstances. Otherwise, you'd have to be complaining that he didn't chose you for 'girlfriend' based on race. Now, if you think you can prove what is necessary, then feel free to contact me for the legal help you'll need.

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Answered on 6/08/09, 3:54 pm

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