Legal Question in Employment Law in California
I left a sealed personal note (non-sexual) in a company courier envelope addressed to a co-worker and it was intercepted, opened and read by an associate in the position of dispatch currently filling in for our boss on leave. It was offered to 1 for sure associate to read as well. I was unaware until the associate told me I used the company envelope and I immediately contacted the dispatcher inquiring why it was not discussed with me in which her reply was we will talk tomorrow. Needless to say I can not see how opening it is legal and I'm embarrassed for myself and the individual it was addressed to. Please advise.
1 Answer from Attorneys
What part of 'company property' and 'company time' do you not understand? This is no different than your phone and email and web browsing being subject to monitoring, being read and recorded. While at work, you have few if any 'privacy' rights, and this was not one of them being violated. You used company mail [property],, on company time, to conduct personal business of a possibly improper nature, taking time away from your proper duties owed to the company. The company could use those facts to justify a 'for cause' termination if they chose.
Making the situation worse, unfortunately for you, in general, unless an employee is civil service, in a union, or has a written employment contract, they are an 'at will' employee that can be disciplined or terminated any time for any reason, with or without �cause�, explanation or notice. Any employee's goal should be to keep their supervisors happy and make them look good to the company, and make the company money. That�s how the company pays employee wages. If you don't, then don't be surprised to be replaced.