Legal Question in Employment Law in California

Urgent! Wrongful termination without ''just cause''

As an aircraft mechanic, it is important that I adhere to the maintenance work order and sign off each step I perform accordingly to keep an accurate record for the aircraft I am assigned. Because I am diligent in this, I will never perform ''undocumented maintenance'' or falsify documents.

However, my company is trying to terminate me for doing just that. I was performing a periodic check on a particular plane and I partially signed off the work order, but only for the work I had done. I was only on the card for one day (the check went on for 2 days afterward) and the w/o was not closed until 2 weeks later. My A&P lead signed off the entire card as finished.

An inspector went out to ''buy off'' the card (to make sure it was finished)and found a bird nest in an area that should have been covered (the APU exhaust on the tail). The workcard says nothing about even looking at that area, let alone covering it. My signature states that I checked and serviced tires, recorded the pressures, checked the struts on the landing gear, checked wing fuel tanks for water, and covered the fuel system vents (which are located on the wings). How can my company justify terminating me for this? Please advise.

Asked on 4/29/03, 10:24 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

Re: Urgent! Wrongful termination without ''just cause''

It is a wrongful termination in violation of public policy to fire someone because they refuse to make a fraudulent or untruthful inspections regarding aircraft. I do not understand all of the facts of the case, but would be happy to discuss them with you. My number is 805/641-6600.

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Answered on 5/07/03, 12:39 pm
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: Urgent! Wrongful termination without ''just cause''

If you're in a union, you have to grieve through them. If not covered by union contract, then you will have to hire counsel to deal either with the firing after it happens, or to try to avoid it happening if there is still time. Contact me if you wish to discuss hiring me to do so.

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Answered on 5/07/03, 6:13 pm
Amy Ghosh Law Offices of Amy Ghosh

Re: Urgent! Wrongful termination without ''just cause''

Can you prove that you signed only the first you have any supporting documentation?

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Answered on 5/06/03, 2:58 pm

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