Legal Question in Employment Law in California
I work for my mom since she owns her own company. I recently moved out of the house when she told me not too and so she decided to fire me from my job. Can she do that? What can I do?
2 Answers from Attorneys
Can she? Well, she did, didn't she? You don't really think the 'law' protects you from being fired, do you? In general, unless an employee is civil service, in a union, or has a written employment contract, they are an 'at will' employee that can be disciplined or fired any time for any reason, with or without �cause� or explanation, with limited exceptions. The employee's goal should be to keep the employer happy.
Even most union employees are at-will in California. Unless there is a discrimination case based on race, gender, etc., or sexual harassment, an employer can fire you for casting a shadow on their desk if they want.
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