Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in California

is it demurrer-able ?

22yrs at same address with girlfriend & have 2 children toghether.2 houses on property.her mom & brother fought for 2yrs over it.I am staying in back house that her brother received from the courts because her mom has not liked me since day one when she came back from michigan.i was living in front until one morning she called police on me.was convienant timing as girlfriend was out of town.her mother proceded to tell police that i dont live here,the kids arent mine &me and her daughter dont c each other anymore.i was dumbfounded & stuck for words at the time.the last 3 times the cops have came ive gotten wiser, mail gtoing back 22yrs to present.they told her she would have to evict me .hell,i never had alease,gave 5-6hundred for bills a month,did property improvements and locked me out of the front house.i have no violence on my recored,but have had dui arrest,over 9yrs ago and drededthe fact that i still had a key to the front house,but didnt want to go to jail for something stupid.i have to answer the unlawful detainer by the 21st.i am unemployed currently and my girlfriend and i are still okay with each other.she wants me back in our own bed where she still slepts but doesnt want her mother going crazy.what 2 do?

Asked on 9/19/06, 6:38 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Robert F. Cohen Law Office of Robert F. Cohen

Re: is it demurrer-able ?

If wicked mother is not the owner, then she doesn't have standing to bring the unlawful detainer. Only the owner can do so. Sounds like a difficult situation to be in, especially without an income for the moment.

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Answered on 9/19/06, 6:45 pm

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