Legal Question in Personal Injury in California

suing after 2 years

My husband was involved in an automobile accident about 2 years ago. The police were not called since the damage was under $500. Now it's been 2 years and he is summoned to appear because the man who was hit is suing for injuries. We were never contacted after the accident. He also is saying his wife was a witness and my husband is saying there was no other person in the car with him. What should we do to prove that we are not responsable for injuries.

Asked on 10/25/06, 10:23 pm

3 Answers from Attorneys

Samuel Lovely Law Office of Samuel Lovely

Re: suing after 2 years

I would tender the claim to your insurance co., although they might deny it based on your failure to report the accident. You may also have statute of limitation defenses based upon the gap in time. Regardless, a trier of fact would likely be suspicious of an injury claim first raised so late in the game.

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Answered on 10/28/06, 1:08 am

Re: suing after 2 years

First and foremost I would highly advise you to contact our law office, because you will defiantly need a lawyer for this case. We are very experienced in this area of law. 760.243.5121 is our number. We can help.

Thanks and God Bless

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Answered on 10/29/06, 7:10 pm
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

Re: suing after 2 years

For starters, turn it over to your insurance company. If you were uninsured at the time of accident, then hire an attorney to defend the case and help avoid you being hit with a big judgment. Feel free to contact me if you had no insurance. It may be possible to settle the case if handled right, instead of spending a lot of money on attorneys.

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Answered on 10/27/06, 6:56 pm

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