Legal Question in Real Estate Law in California

Hi, What is the difference between Petty Theft and Grand Theft, and what repercussions are expected for this type of act?

Thank you for your time,

Asked on 5/28/10, 8:05 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

The difference is the dollar amount of cash or value of the thing(s) stolen. It changes periodically upward due to inflation. So I'm not positive where the line is these days. The repercussions is that Petty Theft is a misdemeanor (max sentence is one year or less, county jail); Grand Theft I'm pretty sure can be charged as a misdemeanor or felony, but the important thing is that it can result in a year or more in prison.

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Answered on 5/28/10, 11:32 am
Terry A. Nelson Nelson & Lawless

One is a misdemeanor that can land you in jail for months, the other is a felony that can land you in prison for years. If you're facing either, I suggest you hire an attorney to help. If serious about doing so, feel free to contact me.

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Answered on 5/28/10, 4:47 pm
Anthony Roach Law Office of Anthony A. Roach

Petty theft is defined as anything that is not grand theft. (Pen. Code, sec. 488.) It's been defined that way since 1872, and any lawyer who tells you that there was a set amount does not know what he is talking about. I would have to know what the specific property is to tell you whether it is grand theft or not. The punishments depend on enhancement factors, such as use of a firearm, violence, etc.

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Answered on 5/28/10, 5:05 pm

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