Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Florida
collection of old credit card debt
what is the statute of limitations on credit card debt in florida? can a company sue for a debt after 17 years when there has been no contact during that period?
3 Answers from Attorneys
Re: collection of old credit card debt
I am a California attorney, and do not know the secific period for the Statute of Limitations to bar any action on your debt, in Florida. But, I feel assured that you have exceeded it with seventeen years. In California, based upon a written agreement, the Statute would be five years.
Re: collection of old credit card debt
Has a lawsuit been filed in Florida. It seems that a stautute of limitations may have run. If you fax me the lawsuit, collection letter and any proof of the debt to 714 363 0229, I will provide you with free consultation.
Re: collection of old credit card debt
If there has no action on the account, no payments and no written acknowledgment of the debt, then it is a fair guess that the statute of limitation would bar enforcement of any suit now commenced. The s/l must be stated as an affirmative defense. Also you would have a claim based upon violation of the FDCPA. You may call me at 305.940.8080.