Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Florida
Hello, I was in a lease that I could no longer afford. I lost my job and I took on a job that didn't pay as much. I provided a writen 60 days notice that was given to me by the leasing office. I had to paid the two additional months strugling to pay all other bills. I finally moved out the end of the 60 days now I got a bill from the leasing office that states I have to pay 1,798 dollars "break lease fee" this makes no sence. In addition they added a bunch of fees that added to 2,615 ..??? You kidding right ?? The place was left exacly how I got it !
1 Answer from Attorneys
Look at your lease to see if you agreed to these charges. If not, then they may be guity of unfair and deceptive practices and fair debt laws. Want to know the law? Sign up for our free newsletter on varies areas of the law by sending an email to and requesting the newsletter, or go to See for your personal injury needs.