Legal Question in Criminal Law in Florida
I was charged with selling alcohol to an underaged person. I've never been in trouble before and there were circumstances at work that led to me making that mistake, without which it would have never happened. Do I have to wait for my court date to request a pretrial diversion program or can I try to get into it now and not go to court at all?
Asked on 3/07/13, 7:32 am
1 Answer from Attorneys
Natalie Hall
The Law Office of Natalie D. Hall, P.A.
If you were formerly charged, an attorney (or your public defender) can start negotiating on your behalf even before your next court date.
I would encourage you to speak with an attorney. If you are not able to afford one then apply for the public defender's assistance.
Natalie Hall, Esq.
(407) 412-7035
Answered on 3/07/13, 9:33 am
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