Legal Question in Family Law in Florida

Hi,..i was granted permission to move to Miami with my son,its been 3months since that but an unespected emergency occurred and and I need to move back,my son's father was in Miami for a few weeks staying at his friends,so I said ill help you with you expenses trying to be considerable with him even tho he fought me not to move and all his stuff still in hernando.So he agree and made a document saying I wanted to move and was willing to take my son every other weekend to him until he moves back in February like he told me,and the document says he agree with the conditions.we notarized that,he said I will only sign if you give me the cash,$1,500,so when I left he said,before you move check our son's backpack there is an envelope,which says open it before you move and don't get emotional infront of our son.He said he is not an idiot,he knows how to make contracts,that document only says NOTICE TO INTENT TO RELOCATE ,just that, an intent.he played me and fooled me because I don't know the law terms and I gave him the last penny I had and I did moved with everything in my car after that.he took advantage im stupid and naive.but he did sign and agree to the conditions of taking our son every other weekend so he is killing me,why would he sign he agrees for me to take my son,but now he says that document never says he agrees for my relocation?He confused me..Im I in trouble?I have no place to go there and Im with my mom here and a potential job,him in the other hand,no car,no job,no licence,doesnt pay child support.I have messages from him saying to offer him more money and to check for envelope with letter and not to cry..he is evil.Should I file those documents to my case?Help me any advice!!I BEG YOU PLEASE.THANK YOU

Asked on 1/02/13, 5:32 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Brent Rose The Orsini & Rose Law Firm

So you file a petition to relocate to Miami from Hernando and it was granted. After that is I am completely confused by your story. Anyway, if you want to move back to Hernando, you need to go through the relocation procedure all over again. A document saying "Notice to Intent to Relocate" and nothing else is meaningless under Florida Family Law.

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Answered on 1/02/13, 5:46 pm
Lucreita Becude Lucreita D. Becude, P.A.

Again, you need to go to an attorney's office and sit down and tell him/her the situation. From what I can tell, you were never married, he has no court order to pay child support and the document you have signed means nothing in court. From that, it would appear he has no rights to the child as he has never applied to the court for any and you do not have to do anything he tells you.

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Answered on 1/03/13, 8:19 am

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