Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Florida

Security Deposit Threat

I live in an apartment complex going thru a lot of renovations for the last 5 months or so.

During these renovations, they forgot to lock up. It has been left dirty, water covering kitchen floor, etc. They never clean up. Leaving it unlocked, not good.

A few months ago, sliding glass doors, and windows were installed. Yesterday, I received a notice that this week, workmen need to come in and inspect and possibly adjust the doors, windows. I really dont want anyone coming in again.

But, at the bottom of the notice, exact words, ''If you feel as though your unit is completed and do not wish us to enter your unit, please leave a letter on your door this week stating so. Please be advised that by leaving such a letter on your door, you are taking responsibility for the final punch-out out of your unit. It is in the best interest of every resident that we be allowed to enter your unit and complete this final and very important phase!

you are taking responsibility was underlined.

So I am being threatened that I may lose some of my security deposit if I don't let them come in, and when I do move out, they are going to as they put it 'gut the whole unit'. This doesn't seem right, are they right?

Asked on 2/07/05, 8:03 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

David Slater David P. Slater, Esq.

Re: Security Deposit Threat

Your landlord is entitled to entry on reasonable notice. Let them in to complete the job and take pictures of it.

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Answered on 2/07/05, 8:32 am

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